- www.acl.gov: A government resource dedicated to maximizing the independence, well-being and health of older adults and individuals with disabilities across their lifespans, as well as providing assistance to their care-givers and loved ones.
- www.alz.org: The National Alzheimer’s Organization, dedicated to assisting those individuals coping with this disease, as well as their loved ones, by providing information and updates as to what is going on in this field.
- www.centerforpreventionofabuse.org: The Illinois Center for Prevention of Abuse offers many resources to those finding themselves in, or suspecting of, an abusive situation.
- www.ec-online.net: Comprehensive information, education and support for people caring for aging loved ones, especially those coping with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias.
- www.illinois.gov/aging: The Illinois Government’s website on aging provides many resources, along with information of use to seniors.
- www.nia.nih.gov: The National Institution on Aging…..provides research and useful information regarding the aging process and issues that can arise.
- www.savvysenior.org: A nationally syndicated information column devoted to older adults and the families who support them. This site contains many links to other websites of interest to senior citizens and their loved ones.
- www.simonfoundation.org: Helps individuals, families and professionals deal with incontinence
- www.wellspouse.org: A Connecticut Organization, with links to local organizations, providing supportive ideas, information and suggestions for spouses with partners in need of care-giving.